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Belgian dredging vessel causes mini tsunami in Vlissingen: 3 hospitalized.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:40 am
Link (video)

The incident happened on June 30 around 7.10PM local time at the place called "Badstrand Vlissingen".
At least 7 people were dragged into the estuary of the Scheldt river.
Among the 3 victims are 2 children aged 3 and 5 years old. All victims have been sent to the hospital.

According to an eye-witness the ship was sailing "too fast".

Authorities are investigating the case.



Re: Belgian dredging vessel causes mini tsunami in Vlissingen: 3 hospitalized.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:07 pm
TSHD Bonny River (DEME)


Below article says that the authorities (Nederlands-Vlaamse Gemeenschappelijke Nautische Autoriteit; GNA) pressed charges against the Captain of the vessel.
De Nederlands-Vlaamse Gemeenschappelijke Nautische Autoriteit (GNA) heeft volgens de Rijkwaterstaat intussen aangifte gedaan tegen de kapitein, zo meldt de krant Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant (PZC).

Re: Belgian dredging vessel causes mini tsunami in Vlissingen: 3 hospitalized.

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 3:12 pm
Dutch News
The highways and waterways authority Rijkswaterstaat has lodged a complaint against the captain of a ship that caused a tidal wave off the coast of Vlissingen. engulfing seven people. The agency said the Bonny River, a 160 metre-long sand dredger, passed the beach at Boulevard Bankert at a speed of 13.5 knots on Sunday evening. Two children aged five and three, as well as an adult, were taken to hospital to be checked over they were swept into the water. A directive by Rijkswaterstaat has been in force in the area since 2011, stating that ‘a captain must adjust the speed of his vessel as “good seamanship” to prevent dangerous tidal waves forming so that no danger tor recreational beach users arises.’ ‘The shipping channel runs close to the beach, especially yesterday evening when it was low tide,’ a spokesman told Omroep Zeeland. ‘That’s why we have lodged a complaint against the captain of the ship.’

Re: Belgian dredging vessel causes mini tsunami in Vlissingen: 3 hospitalized.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:52 am

In a statement DEME said that the (captain of the) vessel followed all the instructions of the 'verkeerscentrale Vlissingen' (VTS-Scheldt?).

"The VTS-Scheldt informed the bridge that another vessel was approaching from the opposite direction. The vessel followed all directions (sent out by the VTS) and crossed the vessel in a safe way. (The manoeuvre happened) just past 'Leugenaarshoofd' along the Sardijn-channel."

The company will fully cooperate with the investigation and also started its own investigation.

Re: Belgian dredging vessel causes mini tsunami in Vlissingen: 3 hospitalized.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:00 pm