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[Russia, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region] Utrenny Terminal Construction

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:53 pm
Dredging Today: Green Light for the Utrenny Terminal Construction
Glavgosexpertiza of Russia – the Main Department of State Expertise – recently issued a positive opinion on the proposal to build the Utrenny terminal, a facility for transshipment of LNG and stable gas condensate in the Gulf of Ob of the Kara Sea.
The Utrenny terminal, included by the RF Government’s Decree into the port of Sabetta, will be built on the western shore of the Gydan peninsula in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region.

The construction of berthing and onshore facilities will consist of seven phases.

The first three foresee the construction of federally owned infrastructure facilities including dredging of the deep-water access canals, aids to navigation for servicing icebreakers and cargo ships.

The remaining four phases imply the construction/reconstruction of port facilities owned by the investor Arctic LNG 2 LLC, including construction of a new berth, land reclamation, reconstruction of the existing pier and construction of onshore infrastructure facilities.

The whole project is scheduled to be completed in 2022.